You might have earned a lot of trophies throughout the course of your life. If you participated in sports at any point in your life, you might have received trophies for winning games or simply for participating in the season. You might have gotten trophies for good performances at work or other reasons. Now that you have accumulated these trophies, you could be wondering what you should do with them. These tips should help you with dealing with your old trophies.
Determine Which Ones You Want to Keep
First of all, you will probably want to keep at least some of your trophies. Some of them might have more sentimental value to you than others, and some might be much nicer than others. Of course, you don’t have to get rid of all of your trophies and plaques just because you are cleaning and decluttering your home. Instead, you can pick the ones that you want to keep and set them aside.
Decide What to Do With Unwanted Trophies
Once you have decided which trophies you do and do not want to keep, you might find yourself wondering what you are supposed to do with the trophies that you no longer want. After all, you might not want to just throw them in the garbage.
Luckily, there are a few different things that you can do with unwanted trophies. Some thrift stores will actually accept trophies that are still in good condition. Schools and organizations will sometimes accept them as well since they can repurpose them and use them for their own teams and programs.
If your trophies are made from valuable materials, you might be able to sell them. For example, you can potentially sell them online or even to a pawn shop or metal buyer. Many recycling facilities will accept trophies that are made from various materials, too.
Lastly, you may want to check with some of your loved ones to find out if they might want your unwanted trophies. For example, even though you might not really feel too sentimental about a trophy that you earned in elementary school, your parents might want to keep the trophy somewhere in their home for sentimental reasons.
Clean and Repair Them
Once you have decided which trophies and custom plaques you want to keep, you will probably want to clean them so they will look their best. The best method for this will depend on the material that the trophy or plaque is made from. In most cases, you can clean your trophies by simply using water mixed with a mild soap, such as your favorite dish detergent. Make sure that you use a soft and clean microfiber cloth to help ensure that no scratches or other imperfections are left behind on your trophies. You’ll want to gently rinse them off, and then dry them off carefully with another microfiber cloth. Then, you should find that your trophies are attractive and clean, so they should be ready to display.
When you’re going through your trophies and cleaning them, you might find that some of them are damaged in some way. If this is the case, then you may want to take your trophies to a professional to have them repaired. For important trophies, you’ll probably find it’s worth the cost to repair and restore them, and there are some professionals out there who can do a great job.
Choose a Nice Display Method
Once your trophies have been sorted, cleaned, and repaired, they will be ready to put on display. There are lots of different ways that you can display them. Many plaques can be hung on the wall or displayed on a table somewhere in your home. For trophies, you may want to install a nice shelving unit or purchase a display case. Then, you can show off your trophies and plaques for your family members and guests to see.
Dealing with your old trophies doesn’t have to be challenging. As long as you follow this step-by-step guide, you should find that dealing with all of the trophies and plaques that you have earned and accumulated over the years should actually be quite easy for you to do.