Similar to humans, our NZ dog community too suffers from periodontal/dental diseases. These diseases target your pet’s oral region and teeth. You may not suspect it initially, as it starts with a simple plaque on the tooth enamel.
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Gradually it builds up because of the food particles and bacteria thriving on it.
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If you ignore the plaque teeth, they will harden into tartar. The vet finds it pretty simple to clean if the tartar forms above the gum lines. On the flip side, the tartar formed below the gum lines leads to infection, inflammation, and can damage supporting structures. This is an alarming condition. Having the best pet insurance NZ could help you resolve your pet’s severe dental conditions.
With dental insurance for pets, much of your dog’s dental health care costs are covered. Find pet health insurance companies that cater to these problems and choose a plan that supports dental complaints.
The significant factors contributing to your pet’s dental pains are –
Pet’s Age: Dental issues may crop up in your young pets from any age, but are more likely to begin from when they are about three years of age. Plus, it is common trouble for older pets. So, starting a pet insurance policy early would cover the treatment costs from the start.
Pet’s Diet: Some food items trigger these conditions, while others may aggravate the existing conditions. It would be best if you consulted your vet to know the right food for your dog.
Pet Breed: Smaller dog breeds, flat-faced cat breeds, etc., can be more prone to this issue. They often have tiny, crowded, or misaligned teeth that are tough to clean, making them more vulnerable to dental problems.
Why do you need to pay heed to your dog’s dental care?
We attribute poor oral hygiene and dental care to several deteriorating health conditions. We have listed here some of the crucial problems your dog could develop if you ignore its dental care.
In standard terms, we know it as bad breath. So if you whiff an unpleasant odour in your pet’s mouth, then it’s about time your paw friend meets the vet.
Tooth Loss
Once the surrounding tooth structures in the oral cavity lose strength, your doggy’s teeth begin to fall out. If you want to avert your pet’s tooth loosening, then make regular vet visits to keep a check. These visits are needed so your dog’s teeth remain strong and in place.
Oral Pain
Sometimes, no sooner do you spot some symptoms showing dental issues than you need to rush to the vet. Your pet dog may be under excruciating pain if a severe dental condition prevails. The best thing you could do is not delay the vet’s visit and sort out your dog’s teeth as quickly as possible.
Organ Damage
The bacteria present in the plaque, when neglected, can enter your dog’s bloodstream and reach remote corners to spread the infection. As a result, your pet may end up with damage to vital organs like kidneys, heart, liver, etc. Practising good pet oral and dental care prevents this “bacteremia” from spreading and causing subsequent organ damage.
Whenever you recognise any changes in pet eating habits, appetite, bleeding gums, yellow crusts on tooth surfaces, tooth loss, drooling, unpleasant odour, or chewing problems, book an appointment with the vet to get your fur friend tested and treated. Having a pet insurance would help with some of the medical expenses.
The best pet insurance NZ includes cover for your dog’s dental issues. So look for plans that incorporate dental insurance for pets to help assure your dog quality dental care and save some money in your wallet meanwhile!