Analysis of the Industry
Across the world buying clothes, shoes, hats and what else is a huge business that count around 1,972.2 billion of US dollar and it shrank by 3,4% in 2008. According to the previsions of Datamonitor in 2013 the whole is forecasted that it is going to value 2,751.2 billion of Us dollars with an increase of the 34,5%.
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In 2008 the apparel and footwear industry was the most lucrative sector of the industry with a contribution equal to 67% of the total revenues of this sector (DataMonitor, March 2009)49.
The large part of the revenues are done in Europe where the 33% of the product are sold, while the Americas results at the third place of purchasing with the 25,4%.
The strongest firm in the sector is Dior, that represents how the luxury has relevant influence in this industry, such importance can also be a weak point of sector in this tricky years, indeed the prevision are that in the next years the global apparel will increase its revenues, as said before, but it also has to fight against the crisis and normal renounces that people has to do, above all about luxury items.
But what we have to understand is that when we speak about the sportswear industry we are just considering a part of the whole textile sector, indeed the main company Dior is for sure not a an athletic apparel brand. When we speak about sportswear we mean the union of the textile part and accessories for ball sports (baseball, softball, basketball, soccer, football, volleyball, cricket, hockey, etc),
Adventure sports (camping, hunting and allcelebo, skin diving and scuba, water skiing, surfboarding and sailboarding, etc), fitness (exercise bikes, home gym, rowing machine, hand/wrist/ankle weights, treadmill, jump rope, stepper), golf (clubs, bags, balls, gloves, carts, etc), racket sports (tennis, squash, badminton, etc), winter sports (downhill and cross-country ski-ing, snowboarding, etc), and other sports such as archery, billiards, indoor games, bowling, in-line skating, martial arts, wheel sports, pogo sticks, and fishing equipment.
After that we catch this division inside the wear industries we can also to do another partition, indeed we can split this industry in two parts, in the first we will analyze the clothes and accessories related to sports activities and in the second we will take in light the footwear side, that can be consider as important as the first and sometimes as a driving force for the sector too, above all in the case of the sportswear industry.
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